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Wedding PresentsI saw this article online and it seems like one of those alarmist "Ahh! It's a recession!" articles. Unfortunately, I don't believe that being in a recession makes it okay to flaunt the rules of etiquette and flat-out ask for money. Besides, it's a recession--your guests probably don't have any money either! How would it look if you spent $10,000 on a wedding and then asked for help buying a car?

I think of my mom and the wedding gifts she received. She still has many of them, despite the fact she was married nearly 40 years ago to my father (who has since passed away) and is now happily remarried. But still, every so often she'd pull out some appliance or piece of china and say, "This was a wedding gift from so & so." It was such a nice sentiment and I remember her tone of voice as she said it.

I have always believed that gifts are optional at a wedding. These are the things people bought in order to help you start your lives together! Their value is beyond monetary. Weddings are emotional, sentimental, family-oriented events. I believe every bride starts off knowing this, but in times like these it's easy to forget. Be nice, ladies!


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