Holy Moly!
Ta-da! We have a venue! We now have an *official* wedding date!

We've been engaged for several months now, and it's so nice to feel like we've done something. Now, it's time for me to get started on... everything else. Oh, no...

Well, that didn't last long, did it? But it's great to finally have a place in mind and start creating a vision for the wedding.

We didn't go with the "loft" place, but we did end up with a place that wasn't a "typical Ballroom," either. It's got some traditional elements but has a modern sort of decor, and the room is beautiful - full of windows for lots of light.

Also, the price was excellent! I was starting to panic at the idea of having to provide all the extra decor and supplies for the loft wedding. We'd even have to buy napkins & silverware (cheaper than renting), and the idea of buying/renting things and then having to worry about setting everything up... no, thank you. I feel very peaceful about our choice!


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